Sunday, September 9, 2007

Great Wall picutres

You can visit to see some of the Great Wall pictures we took. At one tower, our words echoed back to us from the valley; we did not even yell, just quiet talk. Very fascinating! We stayed at a "hotel" in front of the wall at Simatai. It had costed less than CAD$30 per night; had all the basis but the bathroom was a bit "shady". Don't expect much! "roughing" it....

We did two hikes; one very early in the morning like 530am. We had the wall all by ourselves!!!! Then after breakfast, we did another stretch; more climbing then anything else on the second hike. Rough. You need to be in good physical shape! After about 2 hours, we got bored; tower after tower, broken section after broken section... So we turned back to our hotel.

Closer to the bottom of the entrance, we did the "flying fox" for the last bit of downhill. That was being dangling on a long wire, strapped down and pushed off over a reservoir to pretty much the front of the hotel. It was a lazy way to go downhill if you dare to do so. No helmet though; so if the wire broke, you know how much force your body will experience.

And because of this experience, we met three BHP executives, an Australian mining company. One knew Audrey's friends, one lives in Vancouver and visit Regina & Saskatoon every month. He was just in Regina talking to our beloved premier last month. How weird was that! Of all the people at the wall visiting!!!! Hee hee, the BHP picked up the tab for beer and lunch.

*Note: In China here, I can post but cannot see my own blog site; so if you plan on leaving comments, sorry I cannot read them.

1 comment:

Real Estate Services said...

You are right the sky is really blue. I don't think I could handle that chain bridge, too old and and does not look very safe.
2 foot steps, I am not tall enough to climb those steps. Sounds like you guys are great time.