Sunday, July 27, 2008

Must be the food from last night

Had a very weird dream I saw myself talking to Paul in Mandarin! Wow. Then Rod worked undercover in his jeans and T-shirt driving away in a 1980 GMC truck to find new investment; and me sitting in the back of a car that I drove using telepathy. I think this all came about from a crazy night eating at this local Shanghainese restaurant. We had local dishes like "hand pull chicken" similar to hand pull pork; spicy beef with green hot pepper, a large plate of pork shoulder, tofu, stir-fried veggies and assortment of appetizers. No beer; just tea.

I tried looking up the restaurant website this morning; very funny is that, it has been blocked. Apparently the restaurant used a free service; the service provider pull the plug on the free service citing problems with numerous scams and express "unfavourable" political views. Actually, it has stated clearly about the Olympics sensitivity. So the free service is temporarily suspended. After the Olympics, it will re-enable the service.

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