Wednesday, April 28, 2010


From my iPhone at the CX lounge. A reflection came over me while on
ferry heading to HKG. My aunt got me a ferry tix on the premier grand
class. It was a jetfoil suited up to the hill and use fine china to
serve the first class passengers. Wow. Then now I am in the lounge.
Seems I have been in this "bubble" of traveling. Yes, biz class back
to PVG too. Compare to the people I read in SCMP like the mother and
child got rammed by this lorry driver. Baby dead and got disposed of
somewhere on the street. Or the Qinghai earthquake victims still
trying to find shelters from sandstorm, I am in this "exclusive" class
in Asia. Certainly I have a better life.

What I am getting at? There is no such thing as equal. Luck of the
draw for me. 2 weeks from now I am heading to Hayden Colorado for a
course with iron wife. Tending to horses as part of the 3 part series
on dealing eith business trust with clients. We dragged the upcoming
econo flight. Having security makes me a bit "spoiled" while thousands
are still looking for shelters. Guess I should suck it up and be a bit
more tolerable. Ok, maybe for a few hours at the very least.

Sent from my iPhone

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