transport hub between two big rivers. Last year, a site was
discovered that could substantiate the historical importance of this
city. Workers discovered remains of thirteen 1000-year old granary.
In 2009, the site was announced as one of the top 10 important
archaeology digs in this country.
One dark night recently, bulldozers rammed thru the site and totally
destroyed it. Now foundations were poured for a 700-unit luxury
apartment complex with underground parking for each apartment unit.
And the apartments have good fengshui as well. The residential
project was estimated at about 100M RMB. The archaeologists were
locked out. Evicted by heavy machinerie$.
Welcome to c o Mm iE land where profit$ i$ K!ng when you have
powerful b@cker$. The local developer had a powerful b@cker that
totally wiped out a 1000-year worth of history. Anyone is doing
anything about it? Nope. Even the Offi ci@l $tatE new$ agency
reported the $tory $aid the $ame thing. $ad.....
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