Thursday, April 21, 2011

fruity company

Didn't post that much the first 3 months was due to the fact of me dealing with fruity company. Started as an innocent lunch with the HR person. I was told to pass an updated CV over so that a meeting could be setup for the next day. I did - just to see how far I could go. Nothing for a month and a half. Then, a call from the same HR person. A meeting with the Operational Head in town. A Brit. I spent over an hour and half with him trying to understand what he was looking for. He was just fresh off the boat, like 2 months or so by the time I met him. My spider senses tingling when during our talk, he was very adamant which company I had my most IT experience. I attempted to correct him. He still insisted on he was right. Fine, had it your way. As I went thru the meeting, I kept asking myself - DO I WANT TO BUST MY A$$ again for a company that is not mine? That was in my head through out.

The HR person called back several hours later after my meeting with the boss man. She asked how it went. I told the truth - maybe I didn't want to work for you guys. She was stunned. Everyone wanted to work for the fruity company, to be able to "close" to the "mothership" and Steve. Not me, actually. I had 4 MBP, the tablet, the phones and a group of close friends that would convert to any MBP I recommended. Apparently, the boss man was so impressed that he wanted me "to find myself" what was best fit within his structure. Really, did I get pay to find myself? NO. I visited the flagship store talking to people. After that, I wrote about my experience and emailed off the the boss man and the HR lady (not a person anymore ;-) ) Nothing... no reply..... 3 weeks had gone by. An email from a secretary from fruity office: "How about a call with London with this other boss man?" OK. I played along....

Found out this London boss man was a friend of the boss man I met. To make it very funny, this London boss man used to teach English in Suzhou, about 120K away from here. This guy was a London operational boss. He must have some really good skills. Now, that was a sincere conversation from me ;-) We talked.... Done... 2 and half weeks later, another email. This time, I was passed to the HR lady at the mothership itself. We had a very good conversation. From her tone, expression and dialog, she was ready to move forward to setup a call w/ the main main main Operational head, again, in London. By this time, I had to stop what I was doing for SLo and just played w/ my thumbs.

Because I had not heard from these people for so long, I could not drop everything, sit and wait. So I fired off an email to the boss man I met in Shanghai asking further Operational issues which I spotted. 5 days later, the reply "I could not discuss with you at this time about the questions you have". OK how the f60-900k was I suppose to know what you think?

2 days after this HR lady mothership called, I woke up with an email from her. " As you can imagine we received a large number of qualified applicants for Operation Role. After further discussing your background with xxxxxxx we have chosen to move forward with other candidates. I want to thank you for your interest and for investing the time to speak with us about this opportunity. ". Ha! OK, so there are lots of candidates that claim to be qualified and willing to work cheap? Umm... (watch it here, I am being sincere about my conversation here).

After receiving this email, a flood gate was opened. I jumped out of bed, sprinted to my computer and typed off a message to my branding consultant. I said: "let's get things moving for me. ". I showered and the way I went to work on the 3-month delayed biz strategy development. My iron-wife was more disappointed with the news than me.

3 months! One quarter down already..... I have to catch up 50 days worth of work now!

Incidentally, the HR lady from Mothership offered a debrief. I took it up. It's been one month and no answer. The funny part was: her other counter part emailed me 3 weeks ago asking for a time to talk. Apparently, she was about 2 months behind in emails. Huh? Hello? Communication?

That was the side journey I took that detracted my purpose.

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