Monday, December 10, 2007

Traffic jam

Man, going from our hotel to the industrial park where Audrey is teaching was a major headache. We were double-backed, criss-crossed and nudged. In order to move toward our destination, we had to double-backed getting onto the highway; from the hotel to the highway entrance took over 30 minutes plus; Mostly, we were stuck in traffic moving at a sub impulse power of about 1/2 meter per 5 to 6 minutes. The road was half built. So, you were either on the elevated part or the dirt part of the road. Once, you were on the elevated part, you are stuck there.

Free way driving was interesting; you just pick a lane and drive, shoulder included. Seat belt hence was a must. Saw couple abandoned trucks in the ditch; crashed one. Entirely on their sides; one even had the front end completely crushed - passenger cabin flattened.

I think the town was built before the road.

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