Monday, October 13, 2008

Pictures from an intersection

Amazing! Now that I have realized my mobile phone can take nice pictures and can be downloaded to my Macbook Pro via Bluetooth. Whoever reads my blogs are in trouble! Visual harassment. Haha...

Just hiked over to Xintiandi (新天地)to the Staple store (circled area on the map below). Things were cheaper there than the Cybermart for HP ink. Xin tian di is one of the most expensive development in Shanghai. Three months ago, per square meter for a new residential development was RMB100,000. From the apartment to Staple was about 1/2 hour walk. It was just a nice cool day. So walking was good compared to shoveling 10cm of snow today in Regina (Just rubbing it in).,121.468534&spn=0.020221,0.031328&z=15

The two pictures below here were taken from the flyover I walked on. The pillar in the center of the street hold up quite a number of freeways altogether. Hence you see the dragons on it. And if you were a Chinese movie buff, you might see that pillar in many movies.

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