Thursday, November 12, 2009

long time

It has been a long time since I posted. Well, a week in Regina turned
out to be almost 3 now and counting. CA. That's the big medical
term. Mom had it; and now dad has it. Discovered just at the nick of
time. Couple more months, it could have bursted inside and the
consequences cannot be imagine. So, now I am a double whammy. Will
have to something sticking up my butt and down my throat. Once a year
or twice a year. I wonder if I can just do a quick MRI scan instead.
I am sure it will show my crooked fingers and toes from my Arthritis.

When a family member has CA, pretty much put your life on hold until
the outcome. So my life has been on hold for the last 3 weeks. Still
have to wait for the oncologist appt. Petty much though we know chemo
is required. Stage 3 it is.

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