Friday, February 5, 2010

iPhone again

After spending time with the Nokia N97 for over 3 months, I have to
fall back on using iPhone as my main phone. It's more compact and
easy to use. Every app I don't have to "relearn" to use it. The
Nokia was nice but each app was developed by a group of developers or
individual developer. The buttons and behaviour are not standardized
like the iPhone apps. That was the most frustrating part for me. I
have to remember the behviour of one app from another inside the N97.
Don't get me wrong, the Nokia N97 is a nice piece of mobile device.
It has longer battery life about 5 days between charge, good fast
mobile browser that websites recognize and render information
accordingly, bluetooth connection to sync with my Mac's iCal and
Contact, bluetooth access to my picture on the phone which has a high
quality 5M pixels camera, a touch screen that tilts, and a "self
destructive" setting that wipes the phone with a specific text
message. But the annoying of sometimes hanging, the Chinese pinyin
user interface, the English input prediction, the ever buggy wireless
connection for email app and wireless Internet web browser... All
those functions that I rely on mostly. The N97 has failed me. And
this is suppose to be an iPhone killer. Ummm....

Granted the iPhone has it short coming too. Namely, shorter battery
life. Need iTune with a USB to sync. Annoying. But when I am on the
move, I want the ease of use and not trying to debug each app I use.

O well, I tried getting away from using iPhone as my main one; but in
the end, I give up. I am using one again. And this time, I am using
an Apple endorsed "unlock" one. So no need to do all sorts of
jailbreaking and all. Eventually, Apple will put some extra code in
future iTune updates that might disable a jail-broken phone totally.
So now, I can update as I need to without the fear of "will it work
after update?"

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