Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Triple Brrr from Shanghai

Arrived Shanghai in the afternoon. That's the first for us as we always arrive in the evening. Good thing. It was "relatively" warmer than night time. Relative, yes. I had four layers of clothes on yesterday afternoon while walking around. Wrong base layer. Have to remind Bick; that base layer took away my body heat! I was freezing to death despite two layers of Paul and Shark. I had to change out and add one more additional layer on in order to keep myself warm! I felt like an astronaut doing a space walk! Even though with the -50C I have had experienced during my 25 some odd years in Saskatchewan, this bone chilling cold in Shanghai is the worst. This is probably because the inside and outside temperature are the same! Last night, I had to warming the bedsheets before going to bed. Threw some hot water bottles in. The sheets were ice cold. We probably could use the bed keeping vegetable fresh.

There is no estimate as to when the weather will get warm. Stay tune.

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