Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Force upgrade to OS X 10.5.x

No. I have been wanting to do the upgrade from OS X 10.4 (Tiger) to OS X 10.5 (Leopard) for a while (since October when I bought the disc in Boston), just have not gotten around to it. This is pretty much like upgrading Windows XP to Windows Vista. But it's much better upgrading from Tiger to Leopard! No comparison. I actually get new features I want! Not what Int3l or Micr@s@ft want! Took me about an hour, the length of time that took me to watched NCIS online from www.youkou.com, that Chinese website. Of course, there are growing pains with 10.5. I actually recommended to people NOT to upgrade after the first version of 10.5 was launched. Just like XP before Service Pack 1.

Anyway, now I can do more with Leopard. Like developing (if I have time to stick with it) and making my trusty Nokia 5610 MusicExpress mobile phone to sync with my iCal and iContact. Really cool! I can now sync my contacts and calendar events. Rather than writing paper notes and carry them around in my pockets. I now have this nice little mobile phone with everything at my finger tips. Ok, granted I don't get the nice sleek profile of the iron-wife's iPhone 3G. But if I want to have a small footprint in my pocket and a nice camera to take snap shots around town while I see something fun to report, this Nokia phone is it! And I don't have to charge my Nokia phone almost everyday because of battery. I have an iPod Touch anyway. I can always carry that around; winter is here, I can put lots in all my pockets. Next in Singapore, I will download the iPhone firmware that I need to jail-break the iPodTouch. After that, I can do lots of things.

Being a geek right now playing with technology is better than watching a computer screen with all the bad news in the markets and dropping share values!

Signing off from a geek that actually have time to be a geek now!

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