Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I am such a geek

O, it is so sweet to play with the new iPhone 3G when I am allowed to. The reason is that this phone is completely "jail-broken". Meaning, it is NO longer under the control of Steve and his posse at the big Apple. I can communicate with it via my computers both XP and Mac at the core level with command lines. And fix a name display bug that is in the iPhone 3G - could not display name even though the name is in the iPhone's Contact list. I dropped a file into the core iPhone directory, rebooted, done.

I can see I will have such a long time having fun; better than looking at the stock markets and reading the daily news - gloom and doom.

I see how people are so in love with this phone both as a common user and as a developer. Such an elegant piece of work.

One shortcoming I see. Battery time if I use it all the time. Need to recharge often. Maybe I can get that Zegna ski jacket.

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