Thursday, November 27, 2008

Give your head a shake

Round two on my HK company annual return. The address was 66 Queensway at Admiralty. For those that went to HK with me and toured the Shangri-la hotel and Hong Kong Park, that was where the building was located.

I went to the front, the main entrance. As with Hong Kong thinking, it only said the location was on the 14th floor - hill side. Huh? And the elevator only went up to the 5th floor!!!! There were no other signs suggesting how to get to the Hill side! There was no Information Desk at the Official entrance to the building! What, I was psychic? Good thing there was a delivery man. I asked and he said "follow me, I am heading there." So we traveled to the 5th floor on the "Sea Side". Walked thru this narrow corridor with no signs, thru several doors, then up another elevator - one floor! Around the corner, we are now at the lobby of the Hill Side lobby!!! Really! The main entrance was actually on a different Street and NOT on the Official address! Go figure. And who's the dumb ass? I have seen more dumb asses and poor planning this trip.... What happened? Even Shanghai makes them look stupid!

Once I got to the floor, there was no one there. I paid. Collected the receipt. Left. Total time: 3 minutes. The looking for the place and filling out the form took more time than the actual renewal!

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