Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday Greater China reading

- Hong Kong people are protesting against big corporations laying off workers. They are asking the Hong Kong gov't to help. Right...

- Yesterday at 旺角, a district in Kowloon, someone threw two bottles of concentrated acid to the street causing injuries to over 20 some people. No one was caught. As the economy turns bad, more stressed out people with psychological problems are coming up.

Sorry, no happy news this morning.

- Hong Kong Horse Racing Club held its annual International horse sale yesterday. Sale dropped by 30%; and on top of that, the Club itself lost money on hosting this event; it had to add in additional 1.8Million HK.

- HK$1.00 Wontun noodle is here.... It's a two-month promotion organized by the HK food industry. Recession lunch crowd. Read more about it here.

- In Shanghai. Last night iron-wife and I were walking back to our apartment from somewhere, we saw this often busy bakery shop advertising free delivery for purchase over RMB$30.00. It is not hard to pay more than RMB$30.00 for this bakery store. 6 buns later....

- A retail sale number just came out from Shanghinese gov't statistic office. Sale jumped 20% in November compared to October. Ummm... Wonder what statistical analysis tool.

- On the ground floor of our apartment here, two empty shops are taken over by fire sale brand names. G2000, a HK-based clothing retail store is selling its stock for 80% off. And another shop is now selling adult shoes at RMB$50.00 a pair.

- The Shanghainese gov't is so considered. During the high price of oil and gas this Summer, it decided holding off raising prices charged to residents. Now, with everything off so much and the economy is getting bad, it has increased the natural gas price for everyone. The gov't said this is better because the consumers wouldn't be hurt that bad while inflation was high. Ummm.....

- Got a SMS ad from a real estate agent, an apartment we saw before with 175 sq meters of space is not selling for RMB$7.5 millions and the owner will give away 4 parking spots. 4 parking spots!!!! Over the Summer time, these parking spots would have cost as much as RMB$500,000.00 per ... How about dropping the apartment price instead by RMB$2 millions?

- Rumour has it that Mark & Spencer cannot sell Xmas cards here in Shanghai is because they contained "unfit" content. Right. Speculation is it refuse to "grease". Get it?

Dinner time... more later.

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